Thursday 31 October 2013

Thursday 31st October

Wow i can't believe it is the end of October already........AND i have been in my new house for almost a year - Its really scary how time flies by!! 

I have to say i am struggling a little bit at the minute with my mood and low motivation, but i am pleased i am getting through my positive steps a little bit at a time.  Thats the power of stepping, it helps you get things done in small easier to manage steps! Notice also that i focus on being pleased about what i have managed to do - Its not a list to beat myself up with when i don't get everything done, the list constantly evolves and directs me toward my goals :)

My overall goals at the minute are:

To clean and tidy the house
To do some crafting work
To look after my basic needs
To manage my finances

All of these goals also fit with the goal of trying to lift my mood.

So, today my rollies from the list are:

Change the bed
Move the bookcase up to the bedroom
Sort the piles of books sitting everywhere
Clean en-suite bathroom
Wash dishes - done 

Sew wadding for quilt
Cut squares for pink quilt
Buy tealight candles - done 

List some more stuff on ebay and facebook 
post parcels (i now have another to post) - done 
sort money for rent - done 

also i want to:

check the balance on my debt payment account - done 
pump up tyres on bike
try and do a little bit of exercise - done 
plan dinner
have a shower - done 
replace ink in printer - done 

As always, if you would like to join me in the positive steps challenge, just comment below saying what you would like to achieve today :) Happy Stepping! xxxx

Tuesday 29 October 2013

Wednesday 30th October

Oh dear i really didn't get too much done yesterday......i got taken out for the afternoon instead lol! 

Anyway, things still need done so its major rollie time for me:

Change the bed
Move the bookcase up to the bedroom
Sort the piles of books sitting everywhere
Clean en-suite bathroom
Clear the bedside cabinet - done 
Wash dishes
Sew wadding for quilt
Sort fabric for edging quilt - done 
Cut squares for pink quilt
Buy tealight candles
List some more stuff on ebay and facebook - took photos for this 

also to do:

post parcel
collect meds - done 
sort money for rent
promote fb page - done
do another wash - done 
put clean clothes away - done 

As always, if you would like to join me in the positive steps challenge, just comment below saying what you would like to achieve today :) Happy Stepping! xxxx

Monday 28 October 2013

Tuesday 29th October

Well thank goodness i finally got my ebay parcels sorted out yesterday, i honestly don't know why it gets to me so much.  

I have been doing pretty well with the house tidying this week with downstairs and the spare room both now looking a lot better  I still have a bit to do so today i would like to focus on my bedroom:

Do a wash - done 
Hang wash up - done 
Put clothes away - done 
Change the bed
Move the bookcase up to the bedroom
Sort the piles of books sitting everywhere
Clean en-suite bathroom
Clear the bedside cabinet - done 

Few other bits to do:

Wash dishes
Sew wadding for quilt
Sort fabric for edging quilt
Cut squares for pink quilt
Buy tealight candles
List some more stuff on ebay and facebook

Seems a lot, but i'm determined to get through it 

As always, if you would like to join me in the positive steps challenge, just comment below saying what you would like to achieve today :) Happy Stepping! xxxx

Monday 28th October

Well, for some unknown reason i didn't really get much else done off my list yesterday - the sleep pattern thing really does affect me and my general productivity quite a bit! 

I have also noticed the pattern of not doing the packing up of sales - i do find this particularly difficult at times, especially when i have more than 1 or 2 parcels to sort out - i really need to get this done today or it will turn into a bigger issue than it already is for me.  I find when i'm struggling with this task imparticular it helps me to simply just do one parcel at a time, so thats what i will do. 

Today then will involve mostly rollies from yesterdays list:

parcel up ebay/fb sales  hallehlujah!!!! lol!
some more tidying - done 
some more crafting
updating selling cafe blog
clearing out some emails from inbox - down to 750 
listing a few more things on ebay/fb - going to focus on jackets i have today - done 

in addition to these i also will be:

ordering my meds - done 

I really liked this quote for today, it reminds me that i do have to be patient with myself and to keep going with my positive steps 

As always, if you would like to join me in the positive steps challenge, just comment below saying what you would like to achieve today :) Happy Stepping! xxxx

Sunday 27 October 2013

Sunday 27th October

Oh i forgot to post my steps yesterday - whooops!! I did do some though honestly i did :) This is what i got up to yesterday: 

Weekly boot sale on my fb page - done 
plan dinner - done  
parcel up ebay/fb sales 
adpoints - done 
put desk together - done 
bit of tidying - tiny bit done 
bit of crafting - done 
try to list some more bits on ebay & fb - 2 items added to ebay and 6 to fb  

Today then what is on the stepping list??? 

Well, i have been up since about 4.30am faffing about online mostly, but i have been doing a few productive things too lol! 

I have written a new blog post for the business blog 

I have come up with a plan for the fb page to encourage interaction 
and i have started a new section on my making money blog 

The rest of the day will involve:

parcel up ebay/fb sales 
some more tidying
some more crafting
updating selling cafe blog
clearing out some emails from inbox
listing a few more things on ebay/fb

thats all i can think of for now, will be happy if i manage to get through the list 

As always, if you would like to join me in the positive steps challenge, just comment below saying what you would like to achieve today :) Happy Stepping! xxxx

Friday 25 October 2013

Friday 25th October

Hmmmm its been a few days since i did any stepping........and it shows.  My mood has been a bit blah if you know what i mean.  I haven't been sleeping too well and i've been doing very little to be honest, so its time to step once again :) 

Today want to stick with the house tidying really - am getting there slowly but surely: 

Move stuff out of spare room 1 into spare room 2 (where all my stuff for selling is currently taking up residence)
- done  

Do some washing 
- done  

Brush the stairs 
- done  

wash the dishes - done  

Also i think its a good idea to keep the basic self care tasks on here, today its:

have a shower - done  

go out for a walk - done  

Plan dinner - done  

My ongoing cycle of selling stuff needs added here too:

parcel up ebay and fb sales

Sort out stuff i have listed on ebay and put only this stuff into spare room 1

Thats it for today, hopefully i will feel better about the house once i get through that little lot 

As always, if you would like to join me in the positive steps challenge, just comment below saying what you would like to achieve today :) Happy Stepping! xxxx