Friday 21 February 2014

My head needs help!

I'm struggling big time at the minute, i have so many things going on my head is in chaos - its not a nice feeling at all and it just makes me feel useless.  I really need something to help me gain some clarity and calm the other words its time for stepping ;) 

Invoice sales - J & F - invoiced.  T,  to be invoiced
Make shamrock
Start Jumper again
Take photos of things to add to fb pages - done
Add items to ebay - 14 spaces now to fill on there
Contact shop and scan
Close Its a quid page
Sort money for shop rental
Promote at least one wedding dress - done 

If i get through at least some of that i will feel better i think! 

As always, if you would like to join me in the positive steps challenge, just comment below saying what you would like to achieve today :) Happy Stepping! xxxx


  1. Hi,

    How did you get on with your stepping plans this week?

    His Missus xx

  2. Hi Ellie,
    I came across your blog via my sister's blog (LPA rebuild).

    Thank you for posting about your positive steps against depression, It is easier said then done but taking steps every day and doing those one or two or three things per day really does help. And even if you get just one thing done well that's a good day!

    Your blog has made me think! Thank you.

    I'd be honoured if you'd check out/follow my blog

    Happy Sunday
